Camille Doherty

Social Impact Intern
Camille Doherty

Camille Doherty is a Summer Intern on the Social Impact team. She is a rising senior at Claremont McKenna College, earning a dual degree in PPE (Philosophy, Politics, and Economics) and Media Studies. Camille is passionate about the intersections of social impact, politics, and strategic communications and is eager to continue honing her skills in these fields at Panorama Global.

Prior to Panorama, Camille worked on Warner Bros. Discovery’s social impact team, contributed to impact campaigns at a documentary production company, and co-produced impact summits to foster collaboration between thought-leaders and Hollywood showrunners. She currently serves as the Oversight Manager of the Roberts Environmental Center, an environmental research and consulting institute at her college.

Originally from Colorado, Camille enjoys mountain biking, backpacking, rock climbing, and playing the guitar in her free time.

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