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Powering organizations to help initiatives scale faster

Powering organizations to help initiatives scale faster

Entrepreneurial leaders need space and time to drive change effectively. To support them, Panorama offers a range of legal, financial, technical, and administrative services to help accelerate emerging ideas and projects; catalyze bold action on pressing issues; and support change agents, social entrepreneurs, and funders to scale solutions quickly, efficiently, and sustainably.

We leverage our values-aligned expertise, resources, and network to support the operational capacity of sponsored projects, create efficiencies that shorten ramp-up times, extend capacity and reach, and multiply impact. Partners in all stages of growth choose from our à la carte menu of services and tools to reduce the weight of operational requirements such as budget and financial management, human resources, grant-making and grant management, contracting, and more.

Panorama's ambition is to serve as a vehicle for collaboration between fiscally sponsored partners and our vast network of change makers. Our goal is for our partners to connect and learn from others facing similar challenges and working toward complementary goals.

Panorama currently provides Fiscal Sponsorship support to more than 30 social change initiatives that address a wide range of issues. In 2021, we welcomed 16 new partners.

Creating systemic change in the American workplace

Gender-based violence in the workplace is shockingly prevalent in our country: nearly half of employed women in America report experiencing some form of harassment, abuse, discrimination, or retaliation at work.  Lift Our Voices is a nonprofit initiative that is dedicated to creating positive, systemic change in the American workplace through the eradication of nondisclosure agreements and forced arbitration clauses that so often prevent toxic work issues from coming to light.  Lift Our Voices was established in 2019 by Gretchen Carlson and Julie Roginsky in the wake of the #MeToo movement and after they experienced harassment and retaliation at Fox News and boldly fought for justice for themselves.

"Our partnership with Panorama and the services they provide create the space for Lift Our Voices to focus on what is most important: our work to create safer American workplaces for those facing all forms of workplace toxicity. We know we can rely on customized solutions from Panorama's team that will support our organization's growth and help us scale our work to achieve our mission."

Gretchen Carlson and Julie Roginsky, Co-Founders, Lift Our Voices

Lift Our Voices came to Panorama in April 2021 from their former fiscal sponsor. They were attracted to Panorama because of our operational expertise, the diversity of services we offer, and our flexible fee structure. For the last year, Panorama has provided  Lift Our Voices with a full suite of infrastructure services, ranging from compliance support and financial management to grant management and staffing solutions.

Co-founder Gretchen Carlson spent 2021 focusing on advocacy in the U.S. Congress. The Ending Forced Arbitration of Sexual Assault and Sexual Harassment Act bans forced arbitration in cases involving sexual misconduct and allows victims the option of bringing up the dispute in federal, tribal, or state court. In early 2022, it was signed into law by President Biden, signaling a huge victory for workplace reform.

Making the Internet Safe for Women and Democracy

Globally, women in politics and journalism experience relentless, overwhelming volumes of gendered disinformation - and things are even worse for those facing intersectional discrimination and bias.#ShePersisted is fighting back to protect democracy from digital harms.

Like many important efforts, #ShePersisted was formed around a passion for addressing a targeted issue. Their co-founders were familiar with Panorama's commitment to women's rights and women's political participation, and were impressed with the achievements of The AscendFund. So, when the time came to find a fiscal sponsor to minimize delays and maximize their impact, Panorama was at the top of their list.

Panorama Global has fiscally sponsored #ShePersisted since 2019. We provide them with compliance support, grant management, and financial management, among other services, leaving #ShePersisted with more time, energy and money to do vital mission-focused work.

Since 2019, #ShePersisted has been dedicated to tackling gendered disinformation against women in politics. They do that by researching digital harms, supporting women leaders to build digital resilience, and advocating for improved digital standards.

They have produced original research, articles, events, webinars, and digital roundtables with some of the world's most authoritative media outlets and think tanks to ensure that gendered disinformation is recognized and addressed. And they have created powerful advocacy campaigns, including a video campaign to hold Facebook accountable, and the letter to Facebook, launched byU.S. Representative Jackie Speier and signed by 100 U.S. women lawmakers from30 countries.

"Panorama's support was instrumental in enabling us to focus on the core of our work - the research, advocacy, and support to women leaders who are under attack, without having to worry too much about the administrative side of things. We could not have been as productive - and nimble - without their support. I'm grateful to Panorama's wonderful team for their thought partnership and their support!"
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