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Supporting the Community Health Impact Coalition

Supporting the Community Health Impact Coalition

What's the challenge?

Community health workers can help achieve universal health care, but only if the workers are set up for success. Too often, they lack training, support, or resources to be successful. For community health worker programs to thrive on a national scale, political will, financing, and strong system design and implementation are necessary.

What are we doing about it?

The Community Health Impact Coalition exists to make professionalized community health workers a worldwide norm. Working with a broad coalition of partners, the coalition identifies practices that lead to quality care delivery and accompanies partners in adopting those practices.

Panorama Global serves as Community Health Impact Coalition’s fiscal sponsor, managing grants, contracts, HR, and other compliance and administrative functions. The infrastructure provided by Panorama as the Coalition was getting set up allowed the initiative to scale quickly and to focus its efforts on making an impact while Panorama’s team managed all the back-end details that are necessary for a seamless operation.

Who are our partners?

Community Health Impact Coalition’s partners include Last Mile Health, Living Goods, Muso Health, Partners in Health, and VillageReach. The Coalition’s partners work together to identify best practices for community health workers and drive adoption of those practices in the field.

The Panorama Global team’s creativity, joy, and fastidiousness made getting everything up and running far easier than I could have imagined. -Madeleine Ballard, Executive Director of CHIC

Your vision

Your vision.

Our Platform

Our platform.

Real impact.